“Men of Snow”

- by Michael D. Grant, illustrated by Adriana V. Eftimie-

Men of Snow
By Grant,D. Michael
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“Children will hear Men of Snow and think of two snowman brothers sitting atop a hill overlooking the city of Boston and having a conversation. Adults will hear it as an allegory for and about creationism put to verse in a way that even a child can understand! Whichever category you fall into, please enjoy the book! And please check out Adriana's body of work! I was lucky to have her talent to bring the book to life! God bless. ”

D. Michael Grant


-Gouache illustrations by Adriana Eftimie, 8x20 inch on watercolor paper-


Published by Covenant Books


“Two meters tall, their eyes were small,

Coal embers from a fire.

Two hats and such, two coats with cuffs-

This was their attire.”

Michael D. Grant